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Calamine lotion

95,00 EGP
1. Reduces acne. 2. Prevents wrinkles · 3. Moisturizes and promotes healthy skin 4. Treats sunburn. Aloe vera: 1. Fight acne. 2. Treating burns 3. Moisturizing the skin, treating dryness, and renewing skin cells. 4. Skin cell regeneration · 5. Fight eczema and psoriasis · 6. Delay signs of aging

Heels Cream 30 ml

75,00 EGP

Buy 2 get 3 free only available on size 30 ml

Moisturizing cream for rough heels, elbows and knees It is also used to lighten, exfoliate, and remove dead skin Effective Material

Heels Cream 60 ml

100,00 EGP

Buy 2 get 3 free only available on size 30 ml

Moisturizing cream for rough heels, elbows and knees It is also used to lighten, exfoliate, and remove dead skin Effective Material

Lidsoft cream

120,00 EGP
التركيب تركيبة من المواد الطبيعية التي تحتوي علي بيتا سيتوستيرول كعنصر نشط بالإضافة إلي مستخلص زيت السمسم وشمع النحل والبانثينول

Midland Banana Shampoo & Shower Gel

210,00 EGP
Midland Shampoo and Shower Gel is designed with carefully selected natural ingredients to cleanse fine hair without removing the scalp's natural oils. Thus, it prevents dry hair It also nourishes the scalp and hair to prevent tangling. Safe and gentle enough for everyday use! Free of silicone or any substances that may cause irritation to the child's skin

Midland diaper rash cream 30 ml

75,00 EGP

Buy 2 get 3 free only available on size 30 ml

Its components: Chamomile: It helps improve skin and skin condition, fight infections, and gives a feeling of relaxation. Aloe Vera: Reduce inflammation and redness, soothe itching and inflammation. Zinc oxide: Treats itching and severe skin irritation. Beeswax: protects the skin from inflammation and redness Vitamin E: Moisturizes the skin well and prevents dry skin. It helps heal wounds. Panthenol: soothes stressed skin and prevents dry skin. Effective treatment for skin rashes.

Midland diaper rash cream 60 ml

100,00 EGP

Buy 2 get 3 free only available on size 30 ml

Its components: Chamomile: It helps improve skin and skin condition, fight infections, and gives a feeling of relaxation. Aloe Vera: Reduce inflammation and redness, soothe itching and inflammation. Zinc oxide: Treats itching and severe skin irritation. Beeswax: protects the skin from inflammation and redness Vitamin E: Moisturizes the skin well and prevents dry skin. It helps heal wounds. Panthenol: soothes stressed skin and prevents dry skin. Effective treatment for skin rashes.

Midland Hair Cream

190,00 EGP
Hair cream for Kids Midland children’s hair cream is rich in natural oils to moisturize and shine the hair and

Midland Mango Shampoo & Shower Gel

210,00 EGP
Midland Shampoo and Shower Gel is designed with carefully selected natural ingredients to cleanse fine hair without removing the scalp's natural oils. Thus, it prevents dry hair It also nourishes the scalp and hair to prevent tangling. Safe and gentle enough for everyday use! Free of silicone or any substances that may cause irritation to the child's skin

Midland Strawberry Shampoo & Shower Gel

210,00 EGP
Midland Shampoo and Shower Gel is designed with carefully selected natural ingredients to cleanse fine hair without removing the scalp's natural oils. Thus, it prevents dry hair It also nourishes the scalp and hair to prevent tangling. Safe and gentle enough for everyday use! Free of silicone or any substances that may cause irritation to the child's skin